 The Boy Pharaoh
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There are endless tales as to why this curse is possibly true or false. Whether it be the media's fault, a lie from the Archeologist that found the tomb, or just a tradition/ religious belief of the Egyptian Culture to protect their dead, it is still an interesting topic that may never have a true answer. There are more mummy curses. King Tut's curse is possibly the most famous due to the fact that of Lord Carnarvon's death happening only months after the discovery. What really shocked me by these stories were the blackouts that occurred during Lord Carnarvon's death and the CT Scan.
People today still question the curse based on their own experiences. Lesley-Ann Jones' article would have to be one of my favorites of the 10 websites. Her experiences while having a few of Tut's artifacts in possession really do work in the curse's favor.
Many factors play into a belief like this. Religion and ethics are just a few. Just those topics can be debated, have been debated for centuries, and will continue to be debated till world's end. The curse is no different. When it comes down to answering the question is the curse real, I am reminded of the saying "the beauty is in the eye of the beholder." So, is the curse real? I will leave it to you to decide.